
About WSEL

The Weiss Schwarz European League (referred to herein as WSEL) is a grassroots tournament circuit for Weiss Schwarz players all over Europe. 
WSEL encourages like-minded Weiss Schwarz players to meet up at their local game shop or other locations for competitive play, to have fun and try to earn an invitation to a final event to determine the champion of Europe.

The circuit is structured in such a way that players are encouraged to travel between locations to boost their chances of climbing the ladder, which in turn helps stores to boost their respective communities. Despite this, players can still climb the ladder by only attending their own local events, making it accessible for most players!

A player’s chances of climbing the ladder can be improved by a number of factors, such as the amount of players present and each individual win. These margins are crucial to the amount of points earned, so it’s in everyone’s best interest to get friends involved, attract new players, and promote Weiss Schwarz in general.

WSEL 2024 Finals

2024-06-23 12:00:51

Hello guys!
Here is how we manage Finals this year.

We will have two Final events on two subsequent days (mid December probably, but date has to be confirmed)

  • The first day we will have European WGP Finals.
  • The second one we will have WSEL Finals.

Both of them will have a winner, and both of them will grant a sponsored invitation for WGP Final in Tokyo in early 2025 (waiting for Bushiroad confirmation for dates).

To earn an invite for European WGP Finals, you have to obtain an invitation from one of WGP Events that will be held during October-November.
No other way to obtain an invitation for European WGP Finals.

For WSEL Finals, you may obtain invitation from:

Ladders invitations:

  • For country with only 1 valid shop*, or with 16 or less players on Ladder, TOP1 player will get an invitation. 1 extra invitation will be granted by National (Players up to 5th position in country ladder allowed to partake).
  • For country with at least 2 valid shops* and with 17-32 players on Ladder, TOP2 player will get an invitation. 1 extra invitation will be granted by National (Players up to 10th position in country ladder are allowed to partake).
  • For country with at least 3 valid shops* and with 33-63 players on Ladder, the TOP2 players will get an invitation. 2 extra invitations will be granted by National (Players up to 18th position in country ladder are allowed to partake).
  • For country with at least 4 valid shops* and with 64+ players on Ladder, the TOP2 players will get an invitation. 3 extra invitations will be granted by National (Players up to 18th position in country ladder are allowed to partake).

Players with a valid invitation will not be allowed to play during National Qualifiers.
*Valid shops are the ones with at least 3 not-void tournaments sanctioned.

WGP Events: Yes, they will grant an invitation for both Finals events. Cheers!
Of course, the winner from European WGP Finals will NOT be allowed to partake WSEL Finals.

Last Chance Qualifier (Which will be held on the first day of Finals event, as usual).

Additional information on WGP events and Finals will come soon.

Stay tuned and thanks for joining us!

EDIT: Invitations from Ladders have been updated to include National events.

Scoring System Fixes

2024-05-05 16:21:50

Hello players!

After about a month of testing the new scoring system, we had some small adjustments and fixes.
As always, you may found everything on WSEL Rules page.

As additional note, we added a few extra statitics on Ladders: they will not be used for Final Score calculation for WSEL2024 (maybe we will something about them in future seasons), but may grant some extras at the end of season.

Also, please remember to use your real name on WSEL registration (you could flag Privacy Mode in your profile to keep your name hidden in Ladders and reports).
Any players using fake credentials will be removed from WSEL and banned from future tournaments.

Thank you for joining us!

WSEL 2024

2024-03-17 16:09:09

Hello players!

As you may suppose, we are ready to start Weiss Schwarz European League 2024!

The basic mechanics will stay mostly the same as past years:

- There will be 5 episodes held from 1st April until 1st September
- Only the 4 best episodes for each player will be used for each respective ladder
- The scoring system for tournaments will have slight changes
- English ban list for English exclusive titles (the english-only ones), Japanese ban list for every other title.
- Like before, there will be a National and International ladder, as well as ladders for each Shop

Please refer to  WSEL rules page for more information and join us!

As additional notice, we had some minor changes on our website: we have removed some old and unused sections, hoping to have simpler access to main information.
Some other pages and functionalities may be added in future.

Enjoy WSEL2024!


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